Artist Statement
I am here to connect human beings to their Divine source via channelled art and sacred messages.
For me singing means sacred moments of deep connection with my inner being & with the souls who are listening ❤️🎶
I am an ancient soul with a heart of a child.
I’m here to connect human beings to their Divine source via channelled art, sacred messages and poetry.
As a child I always have wanted to sing with the angels, to break the walls of reality and bring my angels to earth. It hasn’t changed. I keep breaking free from barriers and conventions and singing my heaven into earth.
I am an Angelic Shaman. I embody the High Priestess. Through my vocals & artistic creations I channel the Divine Feminine Energy. I have been practicing these abilities for many life incarnations.
A very significant part of my work is to heal the body, the mind & the soul. To activate the four elements: water, earth, fire, air & to bring energy flow, balance, abundance and growth to our physical & spiritual body. The natural magical process of healing is being activated & manifested when I’m collaborating with the Divine spiritual realm & channeling its frequencies through my music, vocals, messages, rituals, collective performances, poetry & art.
In the past, I’ve experienced a difficult, isolated childhood. As a daughter of parents who worked hard for the Israeli army, as a creative artist as well as a high sensitive human being my soul was always wishing to belong, to be part of a community.
As the time has passed the feeling of loneliness and isolation has started to serve me as an artist. My life and my art have become one connected creation.
I felt and understood that my loneliness has taken me to a much bigger and deeper place of a spiritual belonging, to a universal creative source that connects me to everything that I need and wish for unconditionally. Creating art has become my starvation. I felt that to be inspired and to create from this unique higher source is a very powerful and independent way to be.
I was and still being guided to share this source connection with the world and to spread its divinity through my art as my own special fingerprint, as a service and as an inspiration to many other people.
My gratitude to my angels, my spiritual guides as well as my ancient ancestors and artists who inspire me – Kate Bush, David Bowie, Tori Amos, Joni Mitchell, Bjork, Coco Chanel, Frida Kahlo, Yona Wallach (an Israeli poet) and to my soul family is enorm. They all gave me the courage to walk faithfully in my own special and maybe lonely way.
The first time that I held a singing bowl in my hand I heard magical music, sounds and melodies that weren’t from this world. From this moment I knew that it’s my special gift, that I am here to bring heaven on earth, to bring the music that I hear to the people, to awaken, to open hearts, to bring love, light and healing to the world, to inspire and bring spiritual awareness to people’s lives, to bring all of us back home on this earth. These instruments are my faithful, inspiring, sound gates companions.
Raphaela Gilla is a Spiritual artist, Vocal-medium, Music-creator & poet
Raphaela Gilla: A Voice Beyond Boundaries.
“Raphaela (Ronni) Gilla is a classically-trained soprano using extended techniques to access the atavistic/primal and childlike facets of the human voice.” – François Couture.
Raphaela was born & raised in Tel Aviv, Israel, and now resides in London, UK, and Berlin, Germany.
A Multifaceted Artist
Raphaela Gilla is a Spiritual artist, Vocal-medium, Music-creator and poet.
Her Jewish-Bulgarian, Polish & Sephardic roots influenced her way of singing & granted her voice many colours & characters- from ritualistic shaman through native African & Balkan to heavenly angelic voices. This mixture of vocal styles defined her unique style as a singer, vocal-medium, & musician.
Raphaela’s musical education & holistic vocal training enfolds jazz, opera, classical, oriental & contemporary music as well as rock & pop music.
Raphaela absolves many years of various musical experience such as soloist in musicals, choirs & ensembles, music director & soloist in experimental music projects, vocal & spiritual teacher, healer, mentor & a rituals leader. As a recording artist she records albums that contains her own songs & compositions.
Raphaela´s work is her soul purpose. In her work she combines music & spirituality. By channelling her heavenly gifts that come from the Divine source & using her long years of diverse musical education & experiences Raphaela combines her ancient spiritual knowledge, energies & sounds from a higher dimension with her musical life experience & delivers this combination through her vocals & music.
The Ancestral Echo & Mediumship
As a music creator, medium & spiritual channeler Raphaela breaks a long chain of blood ancestry who were blessed with spiritual, medial, healing, musical & artistical gifts & were never being able to allow themselves to express their talents freely neither in life nor professionally. Raphaela breaks free from this lineage of gifted yet silenced ancestors & is the first one who lives professionally as an artist & brings her inherited talents into the world. She Is The Voice Embodiment Of Her Ancestors Lost Voices On Earth.
Raphaela is a high sensitive clairaudience. Due to this talent & her high sensitivity, she owns the ability to hear the high frequencies of sounds from higher dimensions & to channel the music that she hears to the collective & also to sing the music of the individual’s souls. She channels sounds, melodies & messages that are coming from her spiritual guides & the angels as well as her ancient high-dimensional stars ancestors. By doing that Raphaela activates unconditional love, transformation & healing, the ancient goddess & brings the Divine femininity to her ancient strength & original presence as well as the balance activation between the Divine feminine & Divine masculine energies in the world.
Far East Soundscapes
Raphaela Gilla is one of the first artists in Europe who performed & recorded vocals with far east sound instruments such as Tibetan singing bowls, Indian shruti box, Thai gongs, shaman drums, wind chimes, cymbals & bells. These far east sound instruments are very present as music companions in her compositions, concerts, live performances, recording albums, healing art & workshops.
Voices Through Eternity (2012)
Awakening The Goddess (2014)
Eden (2017)
Ancient Angel (2019)
The Escape Of The Magic Woman (Concept Album, 2022)
Angel In My Heart (Cover Song, 2020)
Summer Of The Soul (2021)
Mother Divine (Meditation Version & Radio Version, 2022)
Poetry Book
The Path To The Goddess (Hebrew Edition, 2023): A collection of channelled poems exploring themes of connection with the Divine, healing energies & lost wisdom.
Raphaela Gilla’s art transcends time, leaving an incredible mark in world music & the healing realm. Experience her magical music & powerful voice – it’s a journey that changes lives. 💖🎶✨