For me singing means sacred moments of deep connection with my inner being & with the souls who are listening ❤️🎶

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Live Performance of Aurora Awakening Dawn at Prachtwerk Berlin

Raphela manifests her dream by combining her music with spirituality. She channels vocals, music, sounds, and light language with far east music instruments such as Tibetan singing bowls, wind chimes, gongs, and shaman drum.

I am very excited to share with you that my new single You Are A Tree of my new-ancient upcoming album is out now🎉 It is an empowering meditation music.

I am so excited to share that my new single Life Was Stronger Than Me is out now and available for you to listen and download on all music platforms.

I’m very excited to announce that Heart Full Of Strength my New Single Is Out Now! In collaboration with the percussionist Ravi Srinivasan
🎉Available on all music channels for you to listen & download

So thrilled to announce that THE ESCAPE OF THE MAGIC WOMAN New Concept Album is Out Now!🎊🎉Available to listen & download on all music platforms!

I am so excited to announce that Growing Roses – the first single of my new upcoming album The Escape Of The Magic Woman – is Out Now to download and to listen on all music platforms!!🌹🎉

So exited to announce that Aura Awakening Dawn, the second single of my new upcoming Album, is out now and available on all music platforms.
Produced, Recorded and Engineered by Timour Pinel
Mastered by Yuval Miller at Nadoki Studio Berlin
Photo by Ingo Hampe

Ancient Angel Album Cover

Great news!! My new album ANCIENT ANGEL is finally out now! You can listen to the album on all internet music platforms!!
Ancient Angel Album invites you to a magical journey which leads you to the encounter and the reunion with your own guardian angel and the unconditional eternal love. 

I am so happy to share with you the official music video Mermaid Tale from my album The Escape Of The Magic Woman❤️

So thrilled to announce that Remember Your Love The Official Music Video is out today. Enjoy your journey!
With Love

I am so happy to share with you the official music video Star Song from my album Ancient Angel❤️


Rediscover the power of the ancient feminine energy and its potential to heal and create miracles. Embrace the tranquility, self-esteem, and unconditional love it brings. Read more

I am more than excited to share with you that my firs poetry book “The Path To The Goddess” is published! The book is in Hebrew – my mother tongue – and contains a collection of channelled poems that I wrote in the last years and it is about dealing with lost, the connection with the divine, healing energies, with beautiful illustrations and more. Available in these online bookstores: amazon and niv books.