Awakening the Goddess Workshop 

A magical journey into the elemental power of your soul 

Learn to return to the connection with the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine energy within you and to feel the harmony between the two polarities within you. 

Through deep encounters with your voice, your body and your soul, I lead you to moving experiences of self-knowledge and your connections with the divine: through spiritual guides, angels and ancestors and to the freedom of your original expression. 

Deep connection to your soul and your divine being 

As a clairvoyant medium and highly sensitive artist, I feel your energetic needs. Thanks to these abilities, I provide you with the necessary inspirations and means to help you connect with your soul and your divine being. I lead you to energetic and sensual experiences with the elements earth, fire, water, wood, air/metal and to your free, creative expression. 

You can expect guided meditations with healing accompaniment of Asian sound instruments and shamanic drum, healing intuitive voice and movement experience, personal channeled music of your soul, which I listen to and sing especially for you and finally a joint exchange in a 4 hour workshop including half an hour break. 

Date: Sonntag 3.September 2023 
Time 12.00 – 16.00 Uhr 
Placet: Atelier Healing Arts, Weichselstr. 52, 12045 Berlin, Germany 
Invest: 150,00€