In the modern time in the western world the Feminine Aspect has this usual emerge to prove itself. This tendency of modern women to work extremely hard to get recognition, intention & approval from the outer world is out of balance & disconnected from the primal ancient source of the Pure Universal Feminine Aspect & from the circles of nature.
According to the ancient Asian philosophy the Yin-the Feminine Energy represents a state of grounded & receptive silent joy & calmness. The Ancient Feminine Aspect is Divine.
True Divinity does not have the need to prove itself by being extremely overactive due to the feeling of not doing enough, screaming its opinions, showing its present or proving its successes constantly without taking a break to rest the mind, body & soul in order to rejuvenate. The modern Feminine Energy within every human being especially by women burns itself out by continuing to follow this intense norm. The ancient source of the Feminine Energy can heal & create miracles in the world! The Primal Feminine Tranquillity comes from a deep essence & higher compassionate self-esteem & a stable inner unconditional love & confidence. These values are, for me the Revival of The New Ancient Healthy Woman/Feminine Energy in myself & in every human being!❤️ Every creative work that I’ve done including this & many more channelled messages is out there in the world to inspire the ones who are ready to learn, connect & receive the Revival of the New Ancient Feminine Energy in their selves!